CSM Diaries

13 Aug 2024

Living the Graduate Bootcamp: What's Life Like as a Graduate at CloserStill?

Living the Graduate Bootcamp: What's Life Like as a Graduate at CloserStill?
At our CloserStill office in London, every summer, we welcome a new group of graduates into our team through our Graduate Bootcamp Programme. One of the new faces this year is Fin Matthews. With a background in Creative Writing and English Literature, Finley brings a unique perspective to the table. His journey from working in retail to pursuing his passion for writing is a story of resilience and adaptability. In the article below, Fin shares his experience as a graduate at CloserStill, reflecting on the challenges he’s faced and the opportunities he’s embraced. Let’s take a closer look at his journey and what life is like as part of our team.

"I’m Fin, one of the new faces walking around the Hammersmith office. As a graduate on the bootcamp, it has been wonderful to meet loads of new people and make my best attempt at remembering the names that go with them.

Back in 2023, I graduated from the University of Winchester with a degree in Creative Writing and English Literature. Since then, I have worked in retail, dealing with difficult customers, whilst balancing freelance work in writing content and copy for businesses.

As much as I believe that retail taught me many transferable skills, it was not where I wanted to be. I had expressed interest in moving to London on numerous occasions and was finally left behind in Dorset when my girlfriend was offered a job up here. This led to me applying for job after job – hoping that something may come my way.

Finally, CloserStill took a chance on me. They offered me a place on the graduate bootcamp, seeing that I may have some potential. Whilst the chance may not be permanent, I believe it is a step in the right direction.

Events as an industry was not one that I had previously considered, but I strongly believe that you never know what you want to do in life unless you’ve got stuck in and given it a go. When CloserStill offered me a place on the bootcamp, it was obvious that I needed to say yes.

Having been here for a month now, I have had the pleasure to work with many of the different teams on a variety of shows. I have participated in tasks from writing email copy, making social media content, and proposing a design for features at certain events.

I was even invited to the summer party, which was a fun, informal way to get to know people at the company that I would never interact with in my day-to-day.

Working at CloserStill has provided me with the chance to not only hone my skills but develop new ones through experiences that I would have never normally had the means to do.

Not only is it interesting to see everyone’s role in the company, but it also shows how the cogs all fit together and work smoothly. CloserStill is a company about people, and it couldn’t be clearer from being in the office as a graduate. Everyone is welcoming and genuinely want you to be as comfortable as possible in the new environment.

I find that I am managing to fit in well and the work has been engaging. It has scratched that itch that retail never did – although, it will take some time to get used to where the meeting rooms are.

The opportunity has been brilliant, and I am extremely grateful for the CloserStill team who have, of their own accord, made me feel like I have belonged here since day one of the bootcamp. I couldn’t recommend it enough."
