Event News

01 Jun 2018

CloserStill’s Vet Portfolio continues to dominate foreign shores

CloserStill’s Vet Portfolio continues to dominate foreign shores

CloserStill Media is celebrating a major triumph following the second edition of Deutsche Vet, which took place at Koelnmesse on 20th and 21st April.

The veterinary conference and exhibition welcomed 2,384 delegates from across Germany, which officially makes the event the largest annual veterinary event in the country. With a significant increase in audience growth, Deutsche Vet also hosted 132 exhibitors, 86 of which reserved their space onsite for the following years show.

This marks the second major advancement in the CloserStill Vet Portfolio’s international roll out over the past six months. Rob Chapman, managing director at CloserStill Media, noted: "We are celebrating two major consecutive achievements. The most recent launch in New York brought in more than £1 million in revenues and will double in its second year.”

"Increasing the attendance by over 80% in Koln represents another major international advance for CloserStill. Through some fantastic partnerships we now have successful vet events in four countries and are at an advanced stage in launching two more.”

"There are very exciting times ahead for us – both at our headquarters in London and across the globe," said Rob. "When it comes to the CloserStill Vet Portfolio, all I can say is – watch this space!"
