Pharmacy is becoming a pivotal resource for the wider healthcare sector and in 2017, The General Pharmacy Council announced that all pharmacists need to formally revalidate to prove they are up to date with knowledge and skill. As with any change there was confusion within the sector and as The Pharmacy Show has always been a community event it understood their part in supporting the profession they served.
“We were actually the first port of call for the General Pharmacy Council after they made the announcement as they knew we were best placed to help guide pharmacists through this new journey” comment Garry Tyson, Event Director of The Pharmacy Show, he continued “We went through the revalidation proposals in fine detail and were able ensure every single session was revalidation optimised. This was in addition to ensuring that pharmacists came away with a much better idea of how Brexit could impact the flow of medicine across Europe and how the directive on the Falsified Medicines legislation that was passed by the European Union Parliament would impact community pharmacy in the UK”
He concludes, “The show is going from strength to strength and next year is going to be even bigger, watch this space!”